For Collectors —

What is the ATADA Collectors Circle?

The ATADA Collectors Circle (CC) provides collectors of various types of Tribal art, who are ATADA Associate Members, the opportunity to get together socially on a regular basis. Dealer members may attend as collectors as space permits with Associate members having precedence on reservations. Each attendee will be encouraged to bring 1 to 3 items from their collection which they find to be particularly interesting, unusual or special for a “show and tell” in the spirit of learning about each other’s personal collections. While it is likely that, in some areas, several CC attendees might collect similar types of material, the idea is that CC meetings would be open to collectors of all types of Tribal art and would be a wonderful opportunity to learn something new.

The CC meetings would preferably be held at different residences of the group’s members which would allow members to see each other’s private collections. Alternatively, CC meetings could be held regularly at one central, host location. Each CC would set their own schedule as to where and how often they would meet. The CC meeting host should provide minimal refreshments to attendees. Note that non-ATADA members should be invited to attend; however, they may attend only one CC meeting without joining ATADA. 

photo courtesy Mark A. Johnson Tribal Art

As ATADA is a national organization, the hope is that there will be multiple CC groups established across the country in various geographic areas. Each CC shall have a local director who is responsible for setting up and providing for the CC meetings, including selecting meeting locations, sending emails to all ATADA Associate Members in their area, and recording reservations to attend, etc. It is possible that attendance might need to be limited based on the accommodations of the CC meeting host collector.

As ATADA Associate members, we should understand and appreciate what various collections mean to our fellow Associate members. CC meetings will be a fantastic opportunity for attendees to be introduced to various unusual collections and to unique collectable items found therein. Hopefully, regular dealer members of ATADA would promote the CC meetings to their clients and customers.

For further information on the CC program, contact ATADA Board Member – Associate Member – Peter Merrill located in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Email: or call 505-670-4300.

Click the button below to download a printable ACC Info Flyer: